27 March 2015

Hope springs / a free embroidery chart

Materials Needed
:: muslin fabric
:: fabric pencil to transfer template to muslin
:: DMC cotton floss in colors of your choice
:: size 24 tapestry needle
:: embroidery hoop
:: scissors

Print pattern and cut out.
Cut out a piece of muslin fabric, leaving 3 inches on each side for finishing purposes.

Using masking tape, gently affix template to a sunlit window (or lightbox or table beneath good lamp-light). Hold muslin fabric on top of template securely with hand (or masking tape). You will see the image come through the fabric! Using fabric pencil, trace image and remove from fastening.

Secure your fabric into an embroidery hoop which supports the size of your muslin cut. Using a blunt, size 24 tapestry needle and DMC cotton threads of your choosing - embroider the image with 3 strands of DMC cotton floss.

Once your embroidering is complete, take your fabric out of the hoop and iron well. There are a variety of ways you can finish your needlework be it a little framed picture to grace your desk or a sweet-scented hanging pillow displayed on a cupboard door you open daily.

If you finish this little lovely, email me samplergirl@cox.net a picture and I'll share it on the blog!